Promo & Clearance

Promotions and Clearance are one of the key retail tools for attracting customers. This aspect is particularly important in Poland, where the price is still the primary factor for many customers that influences their purchasing decision and the choice of the place to shop. Selection of the promotional/ clearance assortment, determining its price and quantities, planning promotional exposure and marketing channel are the main elements of the promotion process. Their complexity makes many retailers not capable of maximizing promo financial results and drawing appropriate conclusions from the promotions/clearance carried out so far.


  • Planning only major campaign, not individual promotions
  • Estimating promotional and clearance demand
  • Analysing price elasticities
  • Maximizing revenue vs profit vs inventory positions
  • Measuring post-factum results
See our solution


15 - 20%

Promo Sales Increase

1 - 2%

Margin Increase

2 - 5%

Traffic Conversion Increase


  • Improved Promotion/Clearance Effectiveness:
    • Better selection of promo assortment offering
    • Optimizing Gross Margin and Inventory positions
    • Allocating appropriate resources for promotions
    • Increased number and loyalty of customers

  • More Effective Inventory Management:
    • Lower lost-sales
    • Reduced promo over-stock

Contact us

Pronos Sp. z o.o.
ul. Powstańców Śląskich 9, MidPoint71 (8. piętro)
53-332 Wrocław

    We’d be delighted to discuss your needs and goals, and determine how we could add value to your business.

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