Advanced Analytics
& Data Science

Running a business nowadays sometimes requires agile and smart decisions, which cannot take long. Taking them up is definitely difficult due to individual ad-hoc reporting, multiple data sources not showing the same figures, and additionally the support of teams with different levels of knowledge. Having no common denominator for decision-making areas, it is difficult to be sure about the made choices. The cost of bad decisions often paralyzes you from implementing changes or rely on expert’s opinion instead of facts. Tools supporting these activities allow not only to analyse historical data, but also to forecast various scenarios of activities. Additionally leveraging the data by finding anomalies and patterns having huge volumes should be automated in order to prevent from the possible scenario instead of reacting post-factum after.


  • Lack of a unified approach in the organization to the same indicators.
  • Reporting of the same KPI’s by different teams.
  • Monitoring of useless data and indicators.
  • Opting out of Excel files used in the organization.
  • Integration of multiple data sources and their volume.
See our solution


Goal is to show you that you can take your data to the next level. You don’t need to search for solution to solve specific business problem. With our knowledge and tools you will have this information right in front of you.

  • We will talk with you about your needs and determine what important indicators you should check every day, week or month … and which of them just ignore in your case.
  • We will show you were you can find them in the in a multitude of data. We can also propose you to take few more sources to have more accurate view.
  • We will help you to determine how to calculate those KPIs and spread through whole company that everyone will talk with the same under standing.
  • We can show you how to picture them to all stakeholders to make it clear, attractive and easy to use.
  • We can build for you all needed tools for everyday analysis: web applications, dashboards, data warehouse. Supporting these activities allow not only to analyse historical data, but also to forecast various scenarios of activities.


  • Sharing the indicators used across the organization.
  • Automation of reporting processes.
  • Simple, clear and unambiguous reports.
  • Integrated source of information.
  • Fact-based retailing derived from customer’s data.

Contact us

Pronos Sp. z o.o.
ul. Powstańców Śląskich 9, MidPoint71 (8. piętro)
53-332 Wrocław

    We’d be delighted to discuss your needs and goals, and determine how we could add value to your business.

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